159 research outputs found

    Synergistic Team Composition

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    Effective teams are crucial for organisations, especially in environments that require teams to be constantly created and dismantled, such as software development, scientific experiments, crowd-sourcing, or the classroom. Key factors influencing team performance are competences and personality of team members. Hence, we present a computational model to compose proficient and congenial teams based on individuals' personalities and their competences to perform tasks of different nature. With this purpose, we extend Wilde's post-Jungian method for team composition, which solely employs individuals' personalities. The aim of this study is to create a model to partition agents into teams that are balanced in competences, personality and gender. Finally, we present some preliminary empirical results that we obtained when analysing student performance. Results show the benefits of a more informed team composition that exploits individuals' competences besides information about their personalities

    El consentiment en l’ús de les cookies

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Dret. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2014-2015. Tutor: Esther Mitjans PerellóPer tal de poder entendre d’una manera més definida com s’ha d’obtenir el consentiment dels usuaris en l’ús de les cookies, i per comprovar que l’anomenada declaració de voluntat és lliure i informada, he decidit tractar aquest tema. Així doncs, a continuació, explicaré amb caràcter general la metodologia que seguiré a l’hora de realitzar el treball

    Trust-Based Community Assessment

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    In this paper we present Community Assessment (COMAS), a trust-based assessment service that helps compute group opinion from the perspective of a specific community member. We apply COMAS in the context of communities of learners, and we compute the group opinion from the perspective of the teacher. Specifically, our model relies on \emph{teacher assessments}, aggregations of \emph{student assessments} and \emph{trust measures} derived from student assessments to suggest marks to assignments that have not been assessed by the teacher. The proposed model intends to support intelligent online learning applications by 1) encouraging students to assess one another, and 2) benefiting from students' assessments. We believe the task of assessing massive numbers of students is of special interest to online learning communities, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Experimental results were conducted on a real classroom datasets as well as simulated data that considers different social network topologies (where we say students assess some assignments of socially connected students). Results show that our method 1) is sound, i.e. the error of the suggested assessments decreases for increasing numbers of teacher assessments; and 2) scales for large numbers of students. 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reservedThis work is supported by the CollectiveMind project (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under grant number TEC2013-49430-EXP), the MILESS project (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under grant num- ber TIN2013-45039-P) and the PRAISE project (funded by the European Commission, under grant number 388770)Peer reviewe

    Descobrir les nostres col·leccions: Instrumental mèdic

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    Prevalença d'enterobacteris amb sensibilitat reduïda a cefalosporines de tercera generació aïllades a l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau entre 1994 i 2004

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa resistència als antimicrobians és un procés natural, que com a conseqüència del seu ús ha afavorit la selecció de mutants, l'adquisició de gens de resistència i el sobrecreixement de bacteris intrínsecament resistents als antimicrobians. Els β-lactàmics són una de les famílies més emprades en la pràctica clínica, essent el mecanisme enzimàtic el mecanisme de resistència més important. En enterobacteris els enzims que prenen més importància són les β-lactamases d'espectre ampliat (BLEA) i les cefamicinases (pAMPCt). L'objectiu d'aquest treball fou determinar la prevalença d'aquests enzims en els enterobacteris aïllats a L'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau en el període comprés entre 1994 i 2004. Els estudis de sensibilitat en Escherichia coli i Klebsiella pneumoniae mostren un clar increment de la resistència a cefalosporines de tercera generació (C3G) i aztreonam, fruit d'una major prevalença de soques portadores de BLEA i pAMPCt. La prevalença de soques productores de BLEA en el decenni 1994-2004 ha estat del 1,1% i del 1,6%, respectivament. Les BLEA més freqüents en E. coli han estat les del grup CTX-M (77,5%), essent l'enzim CTX-M-9 el més descrit (43%) mentre que en K. pneumoniae tant les BLEA del grup CTX-M com les SHV han tingut una prevalença similar (50%). K. pneumoniae portador de BLEA ha estat, i encara és, majoritàriament, un patogen nosocomial. En ambdues espècies, les pAMPCt han presentat, respectivament, una prevalença del 0,16%.i del 0,22% amb una clara presència de soques portadores de CMY-2. Els estudis de sensibilitat mostren que en les espècies amb una β-lactamasa cromosòmica induïble tipus AmpC (Enterobacter, Citrobacter freundii i Morganella morganii) no hi ha hagut un increment de la resistència a C3G, indicatiu d'una possible desrepressió de l'enzim, essent el percentatge de soques amb fenotip de desrepressió del voltant del 30% en Enterobacter i C. freundii i del 7,5% en M. morganii. En Klebsiella oxytoca el principal mecanisme implicat és la hiperproducció de llur β-lactamasa cromosòmica que confereix resistència a l'aztreonam. La prevalença d'aquest mecanisme ha incrementat d'un 4% a un 44%. Per altra banda, s'han trobat dues soques productores de BLEA (CTX-M-9 i CTX-M-32). En Proteus mirabilis, s'ha pogut observat al llarg dels deu anys un lleuger increment de la resistència a l'associació amoxicil·lina-àcid clavulànic i de manera puntual l'aparició de soques productores de pAmpCt (tres soques amb CMY-2) o de BLEA (una soca amb CTX-M-1). En Salmonella enterica cal destacar l'aïllament de tres soques productores de BLEA (dues CTX-M-9 i una CTX-M-14) i una soca productora de CMY-2. La resistència a carbapenems ha estat pràcticament nul·la en totes les espècies estudiades. Malauradament, la resistència als β-lactàmics va associada a la resistència a d'altres famílies d'antimicrobians. Les soques productores de BLEA presentaven uns percentatges de resistència a fluoroquinolones, tetraciclina, trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol, cloramfenicol i aminoglicòsids, del 84%, 56%, 52%, 35% i 14%, respectivament mentre que les soques productores de cefamicinasa presentaven uns percentatges de resistència a cloramfenicol, fluoroquinolones, aminoglicòsids, trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol i tetraciclina del 85%, 77%, 67%, 57%, i, 56%, respectivament. De l'estudi de les resistències associades dels antibiòtics no β-lactàmics a la producció de BLEA o pAmpCt no s'ha obtingut un patró predominant associat a cada tipus de β-lactamasa.Antimicrobial resistance is a natural process but the abuse and misuse of antimicrobial agents has favored the selection of mutants, the acquisition of resistance and the overgrowth of bacteria intrinsically resistant to these drugs. β-lactams (as cephalosporins) are one of the most widely used agents in clinical practice and their main mechanism of resistance by the bacteria is the production of enzymes known as β-lactamases. In Enterobacteriaceae, the Extended-Spectrum-β-lactamases (ESBLs) and plasmid-mediated AmpC enzymes (pAmpCt) are the most relevant of these enzymes. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and diversity of Extended-Spectrum-β-lactamases (ESBLs) and plasmid-mediated AmpC enzymes (pAmpCt) isolated from Enterobacteriaceae at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau between 1994 and 2004. Results of the susceptibility studies in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae showed a clear increase in third generation cephalosporins (C3G) and aztreonam resistance due to a major prevalence of ESBLs- and pAmpCt-producing strains. The prevalence of ESBL-producing strains from 1994 to 2004 was between 1.11% and 1.6%. In E. coli, the ESBL CTX-M-type was the most frequent (77.5%) due to CTX-M-9-producing strains (43%). In K. pneumoniae, the CTX-M-type as well as the SHV-type had the same prevalence (50%). The prevalence of pAmpC-t in both species increased from 0.16% to 0.22%, with a clear presence of the CMY-2 enzyme. We did not observe an increase in C3G resistance in the chromosomally-depressed AmpC beta-lactamase-producing strains such as Enterobacter, Citrobacter freundii or Morganella morganii. Prevalence was about 30% in Enterobacter and C. freundii and 7.5% in M. morganii. In Klebsiella oxytoca, the main mechanism involved in β-lactam resistance was the depression of its chromosomal β-lactamase, observable because the strains become resistant to aztreonam. The prevalence of this mechanism increased from 4 to 44%. We also found two ESBL-producing strains (CTX-M-9 and CTX-M-32). In Proteus mirabilis, we isolated one ESBL-producing strain (CTX-M-1), and observed a slight increase in coamoxiclav resistance due to three CMY-2 producing strains. In Salmonella enterica three ESBL- producing strains (two CTX-M-9 and one CTX-M-14) and one CMY-2-producing strain were found. β-lactam resistance was associated with other antimicrobial drug resistance. ESBL-producing strains showed rates of resistance to fluoroquinolones, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol and aminoglycosides of 84%, 56%, 52%, 35% and 14%, respectively. pAmpCt-producing strains showed rates of resistance to chloramphenicol, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, tetracycline and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole of 85%, 77%, 67%, 57% and 56%, respectively. No predominant pattern was associated to β-lactams resistance in ESBL or pAmpCt-producing strains

    Introducing automation to the molecular diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection: A comparative study of sample treatments, DNA extraction methods and real-time PCR assays

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    Background Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a useful tool for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The development of automated DNA extraction methodologies and PCR systems is an important step toward the standardization of protocols in routine diagnosis. To date, there are only two commercially available Real-Time PCR assays for the routine laboratory detection of T. cruzi DNA in clinical samples: TCRUZIDNA.CE (Diagnostic Bioprobes Srl) and RealCycler CHAG (Progenie Molecular). Our aim was to evaluate the RealCycler CHAG assay taking into account the whole process. Methodology/Principal findings We assessed the usefulness of an automated DNA extraction system based on magnetic particles (EZ1 Virus Mini Kit v2.0, Qiagen) combined with a commercially available Real-Time PCR assay targeting satellite DNA (SatDNA) of T. cruzi (RealCycler CHAG), a methodology used for routine diagnosis in our hospital. It was compared with a well-known strategy combining a commercial DNA isolation kit based on silica columns (High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit, Roche Diagnostics) with an in-house Real-Time PCR targeting SatDNA. The results of the two methodologies were in almost perfect agreement, indicating they can be used interchangeably. However, when variations in protocol factors were applied (sample treatment, extraction method and Real-Time PCR), the results were less convincing. A comprehensive fine-tuning of the whole procedure is the key to successful results. Guanidine EDTA-blood (GEB) samples are not suitable for DNA extraction based on magnetic particles due to inhibition, at least when samples are not processed immediately. Conclusions/Significance This is the first study to evaluate the RealCycler CHAG assay taking into account the overall process, including three variables (sample treatment, extraction method and Real-Time PCR). Our findings may contribute to the harmonization of protocols between laboratories and to a wider application of Real-Time PCR in molecular diagnostic laboratories associated with health centers.Fil: Abras, Alba. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Universidad de Girona; España. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Ballart, Cristina. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Llovet, Teresa. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; España. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Roig, Carme. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Gutiérrez, Cristina. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Tebar, Silvia. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Berenguer, Pere. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Pinazo, María-Jesús. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Posada, Elizabeth. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Gascón, Joaquim. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Schijman, Alejandro Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Gállego, Montserrat. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; España. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Muñoz, Carmen. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; España. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Españ

    Collaborative Peer Assessment using PeerLearn

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    In this chapter we introduce the PeerLearn methodology and its associated tools. We base the design of pedagogical workflows for students on the definition of rubrics (using PeerAssess) as the starting element that drives the creation of lesson plans (using LessonEditor). These plans run over our web platform (Peer-Flow). Students can evaluate one another following given rubrics and teachers can accept (or not) marks produced by a collaborative assessment tool (COMAS). Experimental results show that PeerLearn provide students with a highly satisfying new pedagogical experience and increased learning outcomes. © 2015 The authors and IOS Press.Peer reviewe

    Nondetection of SARS-CoV-2 on high-touch surfaces of public areas next to COVID-19 hospitalization units

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    We studied the contamination with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the bacterial load of high-touch surfaces located in public areas next to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) hospitalization units. Ninety-two samples were obtained from 46 different high-touch surfaces: 36 sites next to COVID-19 hospitalization units and 10 sites in the cabins of the public elevators. SARS-CoV-2 was not detected at any site, despite high bacterial loads suggested that the studied sites had been frequently touched prior to the sampling

    Exercise-based interventions to enhance long-term sustainability of physical activity in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    Older adults; Physical activity; AdherenceAdultos mayores; Actividad física; AdherenciaAdults majors; Activitat física; AdherènciaExercise is a form of physical activity (PA). PA is an important marker of health and quality of life in older adults. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature to assess the effect of exercise-based interventions on an at least six-month follow up PA measure, and to describe the specific strategies implemented during the intervention to strengthen the sustainability of PA in community-dwelling 65+ year-old adults. We registered and conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis (PROSPERO: CRD42017070892) of randomized clinical trials (RCT). We searched three electronic databases during January 2018 to identify RCT assessing any type of exercise-based intervention. Studies had to report a pre-, post-, and at least 6-month post-intervention follow-up. To be included, at least one PA outcome had to be assessed. The effect of exercise-based interventions was assessed compared to active (e.g., a low-intensity type of exercise, such as stretching or toning activities) and non-active (e.g., usual care) control interventions at several time points. Secondary analyses were conducted, restricted to studies that reported specific strategies to enhance the sustainability of PA. The intervention effect was measured on self-reported and objective measures of time spent in PA, by means of standardized mean differences. Standardized mean differences of PA level were pooled. Pooled estimates of effect were computed with the DerSimonian–Laird method, applying a random effects model. The risk of bias was also assessed. We included 12 studies, comparing 18 exercise intervention groups to four active and nine non-active control groups. Nine studies reported specific strategies to enhance the long-term sustainability of PA. The strategies were mostly related to the self-efficacy, self-control, and behavior capability principles based on the social cognitive theory. Exercise interventions compared to active control showed inconclusive and heterogeneous results. When compared to non-active control, exercise interventions improved PA time at the six-months follow up (standardized mean difference (SMD) 0.30; 95%CI 0.15 to 0.44; four studies; 724 participants; I2 0%), but not at the one- or two-years follow-ups. No data were available on the mid- and long-term effect of adding strategies to enhance the sustainability of PA. Exercise interventions have small clinical benefits on PA levels in community-dwelling older adults, with a decline in the observed improvement after six months of the intervention cessation.The present study was funded by United States Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, and NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), USA, (K24 AG057728)

    White matter integrity related to functional working memory networks in traumatic brain injury

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    Objective: This study explores the functional and structural patterns of connectivity underlying working memory impairment after severe traumatic axonal injury. Methods: We performed an fMRI n-back task and acquired diffusion tensor images (DTI) in a group of 19 chronic-stage patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and evidence of traumatic axonal injury and 19 matched healthy controls. We performed image analyses with FSL software and fMRI data were analyzed using probabilistic independent component analysis. Fractional anisotropy (FA) maps from DTI images were analyzed with FMRIB's Diffusion Toolbox. Results: We identified working memory and default mode networks. Global FA values correlated with both networks and FA whole-brain analysis revealed correlations in several tracts associated with the functional activation. Furthermore, working memory performance in the patient group correlated with the functional activation patterns and with the FA values of the associative fasciculi. Conclusion: Combining structural and functional neuroimaging data, we were able to describe structural white matter changes related to functional network alterations and to lower performance in working memory in chronic TBI
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